1.12.06 - I hate myself.

I know...I promise updates and nothing happens. If anyone even reads this. I'm close to posting a 1.0.5 release of torque. I'm also working on a command line client ala rug/rcd. I'd say I'm in alpha stages with that. So in 6 months, we might see me positing both...no I swear I'm going to try and pump this out.

6.7.05 - It begins...

In the next week or so I'm going to be cracking back open the source code and fixing a lof of the bugs/quirks/short-comings that I see. New versions will follow when I see fit...so in the next couple months. In the mean time if you'd like to see a GNOME panel applet for red-carpet update notification, check this out.

1.21.05 - Bugs, thus new release

A bug concerning extended ASCII error codes that caused blackouts of packages in the database was identified and corrected. When rcd is parsing through the packageinfo package listings and it encounters an extended ASCII code, it ceases to parse the rest of the file. Rug and Red-Carpet clientsee all the packages in the packageinfo file up to the package that contains the bad ASCII code. Thus if you have updates in the database, but your clients don't "see" them, this is the problem. Torque 1.0-4 should fix this, so please grab it. In order to fix current channels, run a "torque package build" on each channel. I know that the docs concerning commands are all screwed up, so I'm going to get on that within the next week. I apologize for their inaccuracies.

I also have identified a bug in adding multiple packages via ftp. The packages will be corrupted when you add them to the filesystem/database, I have no clue why yet. Details to follow. See the bugs page for more info on the ftp problem.

How To Torque
Torque's Bugs
How to install Torque
How to useTorque
Developer stuff